منتديات قبيلة مراد Murad Tribe
Story of Islam Dr. Ali Salman, the French built Hghgn10
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منتديات قبيلة مراد Murad Tribe
Story of Islam Dr. Ali Salman, the French built Hghgn10
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انشاء الله قريباً يتم افتتاح موقع قبيلة مراد مدفوع التكاليف على الرابط التالي :
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منتديات قبيلة مراد Murad Tribe

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الرئيسية|الموقع الرسمي|أحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 Story of Islam Dr. Ali Salman, the French built

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
قناص مراد
~{مؤسس الموقع}~
~{مؤسس الموقع}~
قناص مراد

عدد المشاركات عدد المشاركات : 1943
تاريخ الانظمام : 07/07/2009
العمر : 34
نقـاطك : 4320

التقــييم : 1
التواجد مــ{جبل مراد}ــأرب
دولتي : اليمن
الجنــس : ذكر
هوايتي : الرياضة

المهنـة : برمجي
المزاج : Story of Islam Dr. Ali Salman, the French built De77ea10
my mms : الموقع الرسمي لقبائل مراد

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مُساهمةموضوع: Story of Islam Dr. Ali Salman, the French built   Story of Islam Dr. Ali Salman, the French built Icon_minitimeالسبت أغسطس 28, 2010 11:50 am

I Doctor of Medicine and belong to the family of a Catholic France. Has
had a moratorium on the trade impact on the impression Btabaa purely
scientific culture is not qualified me a lot of spiritual terms.

does not mean I did not believe in the existence of God, but I mean
that the sacraments Christianity in general and Catholicism in
particular, were not to send in my sense of presence, so it was my
feeling inherent oneness of Allah comes between me and the belief in the
doctrine of the Trinity, and thus the doctrine of the deification of
Jesus Christ.

I was a believer to know Islam first section of the certificates (there
is no god but Allah) and these verses from the Koran (Say God is One.
Allah, the Eternal. No Manual. Was born. Did not have stopped one).

So I take it that the belief in the unseen and behind the article is why I was convicted of Islam. That
there are other reasons motivated me so well, for example, I do not
Ostassig lawsuit Catholics that their power remission of sins of the
people on behalf of God, which I do not believe at all that the weather
Catholic for the Lord's Supper and holy bread, which represents the body
of Jesus Christ, the weather totemic which
is similar to what was believed in early times primitive, where they
take their slogan sacred, forbidden for them to approach him, and then
eat the body of this Bible to take effect after his death, including his

was the distance between me and Christian, it does not contain the
teachings anything about the cleanliness and the purity of the body,
especially before the prayer, therefore seems to me that in violation of
the sanctity of the Lord, because he also created us with the Spirit
has created our body as well, and was really let us not neglect our

also note that Christianity is silent with regard to physiological
human instincts, while we believe that Islam is the only religion that
take into account the unique nature of mankind.

The center of gravity and the main factor in I accepted Islam, it is the Koran. Began
before you became, in his Western mentality Notepad window, and I owe a
lot to do the great book written by Mr Malik bin Nabi and named the
"phenomenon of Quranic" Vaguetnat that the Qur'an is the book divine
revelation from God. One
of the verses of the Koran which suggested Allah for more than four
centuries it carries the same theories that were revealed by the latest
scientific research. This was enough to convince me and my faith in section II of the certificates, "Muhammad is the messenger of God."

made on 20 February of the year 1953 to the mosque in Paris and
declared my faith in Islam and the Mufti Sgelni Mosque of Paris in the
records of the Muslims and took the new name "Ali Salman."

am gratified that the full light of my faith in the new and announced
again, "I bear witness that no God but Allah and that Muhammad is His
slave and His Messenger."
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Story of Islam Dr. Ali Salman, the French built
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
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