منتديات قبيلة مراد Murad Tribe
He said that the anniversary in vain believers Hghgn10
.:|منتديات قبيلة مراد|:.
انشاء الله قريباً يتم افتتاح موقع قبيلة مراد مدفوع التكاليف على الرابط التالي :
ترحب بكم
منتديات قبيلة مراد Murad Tribe
He said that the anniversary in vain believers Hghgn10
.:|منتديات قبيلة مراد|:.
انشاء الله قريباً يتم افتتاح موقع قبيلة مراد مدفوع التكاليف على الرابط التالي :
ترحب بكم

منتديات قبيلة مراد Murad Tribe

منتديات قبيلة مراد - مذحج
الرئيسية|الموقع الرسمي|أحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 He said that the anniversary in vain believers

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
قناص مراد
~{مؤسس الموقع}~
~{مؤسس الموقع}~
قناص مراد

عدد المشاركات عدد المشاركات : 1943
تاريخ الانظمام : 07/07/2009
العمر : 34
نقـاطك : 4320

التقــييم : 1
التواجد مــ{جبل مراد}ــأرب
دولتي : اليمن
الجنــس : ذكر
هوايتي : الرياضة

المهنـة : برمجي
المزاج : He said that the anniversary in vain believers De77ea10
my mms : الموقع الرسمي لقبائل مراد

نشر المواضيع: He said that the anniversary in vain believers Button1-share
منتديات قبائل مراد الرسمية:

He said that the anniversary in vain believers Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: He said that the anniversary in vain believers   He said that the anniversary in vain believers Icon_minitimeالسبت أغسطس 28, 2010 11:49 am

I read the heart of Radi and humbled to Patron letter May God guide you to the Straight Path

He said that the anniversary in vain believers

your students read a strange God, I wished him once taught school a
second request I put it on loved ones, relatives and to the attribute
you and all people everywhere

He said peace be upon him

* From left morning prayers:

<It is not in the face Nur>

* To leave the noon prayer:

<It is not in his living mage>

* To leave the Asr prayer:

<It is not in his body Guo>

* From praying in Morocco:

<It is not in the fruit of his children>

* From left evening prayers:

<It is not in sleep comfort>

_ Death who does not pray:

neglects prayer, Allaah will send fifteen penalty, six of them in this
life and death and three at three in the grave and three when he emerges
from the grave.

@ The six in the world: it;;

1_ tends God the blessings of old

2_ for Aerf his prayer to the sky

3_ Sim righteous God will wipe from the face

4_ totemic (hate) all creatures in this world

5_ all Aiwjr done to him from God

6_ had no luck in prayer righteous

@ The other three sustained by it when they die;;

1_ that die humiliated

2_ it die hungry

3_ he dies thirsty

If irrigation water from the sea floor MAREUIL thirst.

@ The other three sustained by it in the grave;;

1_ narrowed by God and his grave until his ribs interlock Iezareth

2_ kindles a fire in his grave Jmrha

brings him a snake called brave bald) beat him to leave the Fajr
prayer, from morning to noon, and the waste of the noon prayer from the
back to the era, and so on .......

Whenever beaten dive into the ground seventy cubits

@ The other three sustained by Day of Judgement is;;

1_ brings him to withdraw it from the fire of hell

2_ Inzerallah Come into the outrage on the account is located flesh face

3_ is accountable to God Almighty to severe account what it more and God commands it in the fire, and evil resolution

These are ways you can help you pray the prayer their time:

_ Silent prayer, and to speak

Call for frequency tracking with a true heart and the muezzin says after the Lord of this perfect call ..... etc.

waiting for the ears of the most strongly Trqubk to start a game or
program or even to meet with someone dear to you and other

maintains that the heart is awake and you will notice that you will
hear the ears as you sleep and frequency with the muezzin says Lord of
this perfect call .... etc.

Then you must Tstaz Allah from Satan the devil to expel you

You will notice:

You are to lead the prayer on time without an alarm and be refused Isahik from your sleep to pray because your heart is awake

As well as ablution before sleeping and ablutions for prayer, then pray
two rak'ahs years and then go to sleep with your intention is sincere
and your determination that you pray and have you sleep on your side
right, because the heart in the left and while you sleep on your side
right click on the heart and becomes his heavy

_ As well as, I ask God before you sleep in good faith to help you in that you to pray

I ask again and again that Eibesrk for yourself and your prayers and guide you and improve Khatemtk.

* Know why? Prayer

It is the pillar of religion

The last will and testament executor of the Prophet

The first thing that Allaah has enjoined of worship

The first person will be Maihacb

The last of the debt Maevkd

To doing it not you light and cover and proof of the Day of Resurrection.

(Pay attention to and labeled them)

heard the story of young travelers in the north and become their
accident its head including the car and Talat bodies by air who
Bisafounam to their strengths dead one of them were part of his brain
Tayeh on tape the songs that the strength of the coup came from the
Registrar and the second was between his hands circumstance had opened
and the accused Mavthoh when the images of women and nudity and obscenity and the other Ah, God have mercy and forgive them and God Khatemthm Chinh God a good end.

I heard the story of a young man who took out after three hours of his
grave for autopsy and buried him and took him out in particular ..... God have mercy and forgive him and had a funeral prayer be offered Ighafrlh and listen to songs by tower will

Search for Bluetooth this section to see and see the effects of beating it.

* (Secretariat) *

In the neck and the Secretariat was unable to carry the mountains and I carry you to it


or Blothot Free Michaelvk Shi and instead send Albulaoi and Kherabit
Faeda doomed to the contrary, take the sins of others, whether they are
pictures or songs or clips of the ......

of all this mail Shi Ijblk advantages sized mountains and continue to
spread even after you die after a long life better than others and
acquitted yours and your faithfulness and

Posted by:

For convenience, and depending on your circumstances, but something less for one person to heal yours and your faithfulness.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
He said that the anniversary in vain believers
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1

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