منتديات قبيلة مراد Murad Tribe
Murad tribe in the Islamic era Hghgn10
.:|منتديات قبيلة مراد|:.
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منتديات قبيلة مراد Murad Tribe
Murad tribe in the Islamic era Hghgn10
.:|منتديات قبيلة مراد|:.
انشاء الله قريباً يتم افتتاح موقع قبيلة مراد مدفوع التكاليف على الرابط التالي :
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منتديات قبيلة مراد Murad Tribe

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 Murad tribe in the Islamic era

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
Murad Tribe
~{احد مؤسسي الموقع}~
~{احد مؤسسي الموقع}~
Murad Tribe

عدد المشاركات عدد المشاركات : 429
تاريخ الانظمام : 19/10/2010
نقـاطك : 1011

التقــييم : 1
دولتي : اليمن
الجنــس : ذكر
المزاج : Murad tribe in the Islamic era Ac832a10
my mms : لتغيير صوره sms الخاصه بك من لوحه تحكمك عدل رابط الصوره برابط الصوره التي تريد ان تطلع

Murad tribe in the Islamic era Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Murad tribe in the Islamic era   Murad tribe in the Islamic era Icon_minitimeالثلاثاء أكتوبر 19, 2010 9:43 am

Murad tribe in the Islamic era contributed Murad, like all the tribes of Yemen in the Islamic conquests
In the Islamic era contributed Murad, like all the tribes of Yemen in the Islamic conquests, I will not be exaggerated to say that most of the Yemeni tribes migrated leaving only a few of them in Yemen, but that some of the armies were composed of Yemenis and we know that the piece arrived reduce nerve abhorrent and conflicts acute among Yemeni and Qaysiyah and this indicates that the large number of Yemenis in the Islamic armies as a whole, both moved from the east to Iraq and Persia and the country beyond the Mesopotamia or the Levant and Egypt, North Africa, Andalusia, and will enumerate some of the thoughts of historical support of this view and focused on Mzhj and Murad and their leaders that the topic this talk about them with the reference task that All the tribes of Yemen participated and have great credit and the male whether or not to Aehml effective role in the piece

In order to understand the functioning of the tribes, the leaders and remind them of Houma abbreviated history because they are making piece of history they are the leaders and here I will mention some of the leaders of the tribe of Murad in the Islamic era, because they show how the tribe of Murad Zmn Kabbaail Yemen different when it was launched at the Islamic conquests to the countries and which Mezkabbail Yemen have moved the whole of any Bnsaiha and her children and settled in the countries that went to it and shows that immigration and alienation are written to the Yemeni since the collapse of the Marib Dam and on but not limited to some evidence on the proliferation and migration of tribes of Yemen

Came in talking about the tribes of Palestine
((Mzhj on the weight of a mosque, a tonne of Kahlan, and Mzhj brother of Collapse .. may subscribe to the abdomen in the conquests, and I got some of the communities of Palestine and Mamluk joined Al-Fadl district of Mzhj and these neighborhoods load (brown tiger) in the town, Salfit of Among the work of Nablus Mzhj updated Mahd bin Ahmed bin Murshid al-Tabari.
And the sons of amusing ((a more correct name of the fun)) is the belly of the toddler Murad Mzhj of Kahlan got Nablus Lauro left the country name in the village of (entertaining), south of Jenin)))
Margarine: annexation and stillness and L to the fun of the tribe and locality Mzhj them in Kufa

Most of the Yemeni tribes moved with the Islamic armies of Iraq and the Levant, Egypt and other countries in the Great Sedition
Most of the Yemenis had sided with the front of Ali bin Abi Talib and Zmenhm Murad also will come through the leaders who I will tell their story in its fight with Sid and have been supporters of his sons after him, despite the historical injustice of some idiots who Aivkron and focus only on Abdul Rahman Ibn mg Moradi fought Imam Ali Karam hand of God despite the fact that there are a lot of the leaders of the tribe of Murad Murad Almighty were among the supporters of the front and stood and sacrificed forward with the generosity of God and his face and his children dear
قبيله مراد في العصر الإسلامي ساهمت مراد شانها شان كل قبائل اليمن في الفتوحات الإسلامية
في العصر الإسلامي ساهمت مراد شانها شان كل قبائل اليمن في الفتوحات الإسلامية ولن اكون مبالغ ان قلت ان معظم القبائل اليمنية هاجرت ولم يتبق الا القليل منها في اليمن بل ان بعض الجيوش كانت تتكون من اليمنيين ونحن نعرف ان ذالك وصل لحد العصبية المقيتة والصراعات الحادة بين اليمنية والقيسية وهذا مما يدل على كثرة اليمنيين في الجيوش الاسلامية قاطبة سواء من اتجهت منها شرقا للعراق وفارس وبلاد ماوراء النهرين او الشام ومصر وشمال افريقيا والاندلس وسوف نسرد بعض الخواطر التاريخية المؤيدة لهذا القول والمركزة على مذحج ومراد وزعمائها كون الموضوع الحالى يتكلم عنهم مع الاشارة المهمة الى ان كل قبائل اليمن شاركت ولها فضل كبير والذكر من عدمة لايهمل دورها الفعال في ذالك

ولكي نفهم سير القبائل فان زعمائها وذكرهم هوما يختصر تاريخها لانهم من يصنعون ذالك التاريخ انهم الزعماء وهنا سوف اذكر بعض من زعماء قبيلة مراد في العصر الاسلامي لانهم يبينوا كيف ان قبيلة مراد ظمن قباائل اليمن المختلفة عندما انطلقت عند الفتوحات الاسلامية الى البلدان ومما ميزقبائل اليمن انها انتقلت باكملها أي بنسائها واطفالها واستوطنت في البلدان التى ذهبت اليها ويظهر ان الهجرة والاغتراب مكتوبه على اليمنيين منذ انهيار سد مارب وعلى سبيل المثال لا الحصر بعض الشواهد على انتشار وهجرة قبائل اليمن

جاء في الحديث عن قبائل فلسطين
(( مذحج على وزن مسجد، بطن من كهلان، ومذحج أخو طي.. وقد اشترك هذا البطن في الفتوحات، ونزلت بعض جماعاتهم فلسطين وفي العهد المملوكي انضم الى آل الفضل أحياء من مذحج ومن هذه الاحياء حمولة (بني نمرة) في بلدة، سلفيت من أعمال نابلس ومن بني مذحج المحدث محد بن أحمد بن مرشد الطبري.
وبنو مسليه ((وهو الاسم الاصح من ال مسلي)) الدارج حاليا بطن من مراد مذحج من كهلان نزلت بلاد نابلس ورو خلفت اسمها في قرية (مسلية) جنوب جنين)))
المسلي‏:‏ بالضم والسكون ولام إلى مسلية قبيلة من مذحج ومحلة لهم بالكوفة‏

وكانت معظم القبائل اليمنية اتجهت مع الجيوش الاسلامية للعراق والشام ومصر وغيرها وفي الفتنة الكبرى
كان معظم اليمنيين قد انحازوا للامام على بن ابي طالب ومن ظمنهم مراد كما سياتي من خلال الزعماء الذين ساسرد قصتهم في قتالة مع معاوية وظلوا مناصرين لابناءه من بعده برغم الغبن التاريخي من بعض الاغبياء الذين لايذكرون ويركزون الا على عبد الرحمن ابن ملجم المرادي قاتل الامام على كرم الله وجهه رغم ان هناك الكثير من زعماء مراد وجل قبيلة مراد كانت ضمن انصار الامام و وقفوا وضحوا مع الامام على كرم الله وجهه وابناءه الكرام
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Murad Tribe
~{احد مؤسسي الموقع}~
~{احد مؤسسي الموقع}~
Murad Tribe

عدد المشاركات عدد المشاركات : 429
تاريخ الانظمام : 19/10/2010
نقـاطك : 1011

التقــييم : 1
دولتي : اليمن
الجنــس : ذكر
المزاج : Murad tribe in the Islamic era Ac832a10
my mms : لتغيير صوره sms الخاصه بك من لوحه تحكمك عدل رابط الصوره برابط الصوره التي تريد ان تطلع

Murad tribe in the Islamic era Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Murad tribe in the Islamic era   Murad tribe in the Islamic era Icon_minitimeالثلاثاء أكتوبر 19, 2010 9:44 am

Scalp Ben Msik Moradi Algatifi

Algatifi: Gatif proportion to the belly of Murad

Msik: the scalp Ben Msik Companion Moradi Algatifi

Scalp Ben Msik bin Harith bin Dhuid Moradi

((Adjust the article to set the names of the men))

It was a great poet Coahdasharp after reclamation of his verses that have been the function of the circulation of days and handled by the Arab States and the piece cited by Hussein, God bless him before his death

. Then sang verses scalp Ben Msik:
The defeat Vhzamon ********* forward and defeat Evger Mhzmina
Once the cheese, but Tabna ********** Mnayana and the State of Achrina
Say to us Chamtin Wake ********** Ahamton will deliver as we have been
If death for lifting people ******* debilitating Onach Bachrina

It is said that not Btabi, ie: my habit, "said Ben Msik scalp:

Once you have Tabna cheese but ********* Mnayana and the State of Achrina
Scalp, "said Ben Msik 0 Moradi the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him:

Permitted Ihabr serious Gatifa. ********* A king from among the Albennina
And our sympathy and without BFH ******** and blessed my brothers and children of our Father
We have said earlier that Ihabr is the name of Murad means may have a dome?


We have mentioned coming to the Prophet peace be upon him and his conversion to Islam, and between him and the Messenger of guidance in the previous section has assumed the position of Mzhj and had a major role in spreading Islam in Yemen
Sanaa mosque .. And advocates of Islam:

The first cemetery for Muslims:

Scalp Ben Msik Moradi: Omar (the cemetery) north of Sanaa, known for command of the Prophet (PBUH) and his grave is a famous mosque in northern Yemen near Msik of the cemetery

Companion when he went fur Ben Msik may Allah be pleased with him an envoy of the Messenger of Allah Vahtml Sana, Hadramawt, Yemen Mkhaleev other commanded the Prophet to build a mosque Sana'a Fbnah frequent scalp and then left for the people of Sana'a vaccine for their festival went over Alajabub overlooking the Eid prayer Vassell is this place? He was told to build Abu Jamal Alabnanwi, Vsarh Votiah messenger said to them: I want to taken this position to Allah and His Messenger, not Iatarza and was the first cemetery chapel Holiday taken to Muslims at the time of the Messenger of Allah

So it is no wonder if we know that the Mosque of Sana'a is the Whole of the oldest mosques in Islam, was built in the life of the Prophet peace be upon him and his command.
It is proven that the Prophet peace be upon him sent several of his companions in Yemen, of whom Maaz ibn Jabal Aban bin Said bin Msik Moradi scalp and dander bin Ihns and Abu Abeida and others may Allah be pleased with them all ... Sent advocates and guides.
Word for many of them that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him ordered him to build a mosque, but the majority of historians tend to Sanaa mosque was built by one of two things: either Ben Weber Ihns Ansari or scalp Ben Msik Moradi ... Al-Abdul Razak that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him is honoring Ben Ihns Ansari when sent to Sana'a and automatically it said: "invite them to faith, obeyed you to play, Veshra prayer, then obey you by passed by building a mosque for them in the garden Bardhan, of the rock that at the origin of Ghamdan and received by the mountain which is said to him: (Commissioners).
In the history of the city of Sana Razi: Roy Some of them said: the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him scalp Ben Msik Moradi and Mkhalifaa to Sana'a and Hadramout, and ordered him to build a mosque in Sana'a between Castle Green Almlmlmp to Ghamdan, Fbnah.
Razi also said that Muhammad ibn Dawood bin Qais: Sanaa mosque built by the mosque Paradise six months by order the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, it is better to be submitted.
Which is regarded as most correct and most historians that the mosque had its foundations laid by the great companion Ihns Ben Weber. Perhaps Maaz bin Jabal may Allah be pleased with him came to the sending of the Prophet peace be upon him took care of the mosque and Usah.
And not between our extensive information on the status of the mosque which was built in Sana'a in the hands of those companions first, only what has been said that the area at the time were not large, but he was square in shape, the length of rib twelve meters, and its foundations some of the stones is likely they were taken from cages Palace Ghamdan.

And "peoples", is the name of an ancient city, dating back to the early days of the date of ancient Yemen to phase the old from the date of the State of Sheba, was located to the north of the city, "Sana," which appeared in the later period later, from the period of the city "the peoples of "But now it has become the name given to a neighborhood of the capital, Sanaa, which the neighborhood, which has expanded after Islam focuses on the grave of the Companion of the Galilee" scalp Ben Msik Moradi ", which is still the mosque which was built in the region bears his name.

Scalp and tear down the Palace Ghamdan
It is mentioned by the historians and narrators for Palace Ghamdan that Hmaalgosr weird that Ghamdan is building mentioned by the Almighty in the words «still to pieces that shakiness in their hearts) when this verse was revealed send the Messenger of Allah prayers be upon the safety scalp Ben Msik Moradi of ruined it, and when he wanted to destroy not he can even burn with fire, and did not destroy, but after the death of the Prophet. When meditating, one in the novels about the «Palace Ghamdan» since its establishment until the demolition, find a myth or a symbol of what accomplished Yemen, and that was a look poets him, but what nail all those notification, and Lahj mentioning poets between Moataz and be praised, and between Tsr and sorry for the glorious past , and beset tales, myths, Vanchawh decided by force metaphysics has nothing to do with his statement in which where followed the bird Fajtarh was destroyed also decided by the power of metaphysics could not the individual response, Vfrop'm Msik Yemen can not force him to force the demolition of building cherishes his people, but depending on the strength of deep religious.
(The door what came in the scalp Ben Msik Alradi may Allah be pleased with him) on the scalp Ben Msik Moradi said: The Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and forced him Yumkm and daily Hamedan I said, Yes, O Messenger of Allah courtyard parents and clan said that was either good for those who fear you .
It was in the translation
Scalp Ben Msik or waterproof ibn al-Harith ibn Salamah Algatifi Moradi, Abu Amr, a companion, of governors, has hair, which is from Yemen, was loyal to the kings of Kinda in ignorance, he moved to Mecca nine years or ten safest, housing Kufa in the late Oawamh, Matt the year 30 AH.
Layers 1 | 63, injury Translation No. 6983, will hope 4 | 10, flags 5 | 143.

The chatter, which was narrated by the Prophet peace be upon him
Previous talk about in the previous section asked about the spa received the Prophet peace be upon him and upon detail as Abu session Arabs

And the modern one is narrated by Abu Dawood from scalp Ben Msik Bmanmlp and small enough, he said.
"I said, O Messenger of Allah, our land is said to show it is a land of Rivne and a Miratna and epidemics, he said:" Let you, the damage of shit, "said Ibn Qutaybah shit proximity of the epidemic.

And this is something which cited that Murad was inhabited some fractions of Abyan
Fath al-Baari Sharh Saheeh Bukhari
The Book of Medicine 4
See the Yemen in the history of the historian Ibn Khaldoun Mohammed Farah
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Murad tribe in the Islamic era
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